Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Schemas in Area of Play

I was sent this by a woman on a website I frequent. She said if you can find out what schema your child fits, you can try some of the activities under that schema. I hope to find some things that H-Dubya might enjoy since he can't tell me and wanders aimlessly around the house most of the time.

I think he falls under trajectory, and, honestly, I figured that out by looking at the "problems you may have" column. He fits every one! I plan on finding one of the marble ramps that was suggested, and rolling cars off of tables with him. I will also see if he wants to give finger painting another chance. See if your child "fits" any of the categories.

If you don't find this interesting, or if it is overly anal I understand. Maybe because I was an Early Childhood Major I am overly into this stuff? I don't know.

Schemas in Area of Play

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