So, H-Dubya is talking! More and more everyday. Not full sentences, but talking just the same. Here is a list of his words, I don't expect anyone to be overly interested in this but I want to keep the info for him so he can read all about it when he grows up.
Come on
Help! Run!
Jump this way
Come in
Get me some milk
Buzz (as in lightyear)
Ice (as in ice age)
Aw, man
My turn
Little Mermaid
Speed (as in Lightening McQueen)
Eye, ear, mouth, hand
All done
That is all I can think of for now.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
South Plains Fair!
We go as one big happy family to the SPF every year. The four Lowes, Poppy, Gigi, Aunt Morgan, and now that she lives here, Granny. We look at the animals, eat (of course), and ride a few rides. I say a few because we can't afford more than that. It was $16 for the four of us to ride the ferris wheel. H-Dubya wasn't as pleasant as I would have hoped. Definitely in a sour mood. When we left he wasn't strapped in the wagon and threw his large body over the side with a dramatic wail. Not so fun for Brokeback and I but a random patron or two seemed to guffaw and enjoy it. Here are some of the happier pictures:

Mimi and Poppa's Extravaganza!
My grandparents have been married 60 years. And my grandmother just turned an undisclosed age. We went to OKC to celebrate and we had a great time! We ate, the kids swam, we spent time with family. We gave toasts to the happy couple. Here are some pictures from the event.
The happy couple. As Nicole says, "The hottest 80 year olds on the planet!"

Good times in the hotel.

All dressed up.

The happy couple. As Nicole says, "The hottest 80 year olds on the planet!"

Good times in the hotel.

All dressed up.


Poppy's Birthday
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Beware of High Fructose Corn Syrup

I stopped purchasing foods and snacks that include high fructose corn syrup last December. My precious and nutrition concious sister in law was in town, and we went to the grocery store together. She informed me of the dangers of it and how it contributes to obesity in children. I have checked labels since then. No more jelly unless it is low sugar and no HFCS, no more teddy grahams, only whole grain goldfish, no fruit bites, etc.
I recently read this article, which reinforced my decision.
I then looked at this and was disappointed to find out that HFCS is also hidden in other products that I still have in the house, like RITZ CRACKERS! Of course this is one of H-Dub's favorite foods. We don't eat lunchables, (the kids don't like them), but I was surprised it is in it, also. And the very worst, for Syd, HENIZ KETCHUP. I wonder if HFCS is in the whole wheat Ritz Crackers?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Peanut Butter and Apple-Bacon Sandwiches

I did not take the above picture. I got it off of the Better Homes and Gardens Website. I got this recipe out of the September mag last year, and made it tonight for Brokeback and I. The snooty kids wouldn't eat them. But they are so picky lately I didn't expect them to. Sigh. Anywho, here is the recipe. Again, they are sooooo GOOD! I plan on making them for guests for lunch or dinner someday. We used one of Syd's gold apples that she picked on her field trip to the Apple Orchard today. She says she had a great time. I am sure you can all guess how I feel about not being on her FIRST field trip. Sniff.
* 1/4 cup peach preserves
* Dash cayenne pepper (optional)
* 8 slices whole grain bread
* 1 large yellow or green crisp apple, cored and very thinly sliced
* 8 slices applewood-smoked bacon or other bacon, crisp-cooked and drained
* 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
* 2 to 3 Tbsp. butter, softened
1. In a small bowl stir together preserves and cayenne pepper. Place 4 slices of bread on work surface; spread slices with preserves. Top with apples and bacon. Spread one side of remaining bread slices with peanut butter; place, spread side down, over apples and bacon. Spread sandwich tops with some of the butter.
2. Preheat griddle or very large skillet over medium heat. Place sandwiches, buttered side down, on griddle. Carefully spread unbuttered bread with butter. Cook 2 to 3 minutes per side or until bread is golden and sandwiches are heated through. Makes 4 servings.
We are home!
Things went well. Thanks for the prayers. H-Dub did a GREAT job! So proud of him. He is resting and has been since about noon.
I am going to get sister from MDO, now. She went on a field trip to the Apple Orchard today with her class and was so excited. I am so sad I didn't get to go. Hopefully her teacher Holly took pictures, but that probably depends on how many parents went!
I am going to get sister from MDO, now. She went on a field trip to the Apple Orchard today with her class and was so excited. I am so sad I didn't get to go. Hopefully her teacher Holly took pictures, but that probably depends on how many parents went!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Pray for H-Dub and his Mama
Tomorrow Brokeback and I must take H-Dubya to the hospital so that he can have his tear duct surgery. He must have it unclogged and they will put him under to do it. We are so not looking forward to it, of course. Ron went so far as to try to get me to cancel it today. But the longer you wait the worse it is, so we need to just get it over with. We go in at 8:30 am. He should be done around lunch.
You know that's right.
Help Pass the Protect OUR Children Act
Did any of you see the Oprah on pedophiles last week? OH. MY. WORD. I absolutely cannot remember the last time I felt so nauseous and disturbed.
Due to lack of money and thereby resources, many leads are not pursued. Please follow this link to help do something about it.
Help pass Bill 1738
Due to lack of money and thereby resources, many leads are not pursued. Please follow this link to help do something about it.
Help pass Bill 1738
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Learning at home: Math
Syd was not interested in this first activity for as long as I thought she would be. I would just write a number (9 or under) and she would count out that number of bears.

Syd really loves this game, which I got off of montessori free fall. I have a fab math games kit from my teaching days. The name of it is Box Cars and One Eyed Jacks. Gigi bought it for me my first year of teaching in Austin. I can't tell you the fun we had with the kit. We used it every week and my kids scored well on the Math TAKS every year. But that is a story for another day. Anywho, I used the big die from the kit, and some spiral noodles, tongs, and a muffin tin. Brokeback taught and helped Syd with this activity. She would roll the die, then put that many pieces of noodles into the tin using the tongs. This way we are working fine motor skills and counting. And she is memorizing some of the numbers on the die without counting.

Syd really loves this game, which I got off of montessori free fall. I have a fab math games kit from my teaching days. The name of it is Box Cars and One Eyed Jacks. Gigi bought it for me my first year of teaching in Austin. I can't tell you the fun we had with the kit. We used it every week and my kids scored well on the Math TAKS every year. But that is a story for another day. Anywho, I used the big die from the kit, and some spiral noodles, tongs, and a muffin tin. Brokeback taught and helped Syd with this activity. She would roll the die, then put that many pieces of noodles into the tin using the tongs. This way we are working fine motor skills and counting. And she is memorizing some of the numbers on the die without counting.

Learning at home: Language Arts
So this is how Syd enjoys practicing writing. I helped her with the full name she wrote at the top. She did all but the first two S's without help. Please ignore the "eraser" (sock) she is using as a kerchief.

Here is the book Syd is working on that is from She enjoys doing the book most online, but it was fun for her to have a real book she could "read". This way she can color it to her liking.

Here is the book Syd is working on that is from She enjoys doing the book most online, but it was fun for her to have a real book she could "read". This way she can color it to her liking.

Learning at Home: Shaving Cream
I mean, I don't know a child who doesn't love every minute of writing and drawing in shaving cream. Not one. I did this activity with 5th graders and 3rd graders alike. Just knowing that my children would love it, especially H-Dubya who loves to get dirty on occasion.
Here is Syd, really working those circular motions.

H-Dub about to dive in.

Or not. He didn't even put in a finger.

No thanks. I'm bored. This sucks.
Here is Syd, really working those circular motions.

H-Dub about to dive in.

Or not. He didn't even put in a finger.

No thanks. I'm bored. This sucks.

Before the fall
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Household Trick!
Syd enjoys getting pedicures at home. She lays on the floor and I clip her nails, rub lotion onto her feet, etc. We usually do this when H-Dubya is already in bed. Tonight we started a tad early. H-Dub so wanted to be a part. He laid beside sister and would roll over and rub his face on her and moan happily. Big smile on his face the whole time. Big smile on my face, too, until he kicked the pinkish orange open bottle of polish onto the carpet. So bad. I hurried to look up what to do on the trusty internet, and it said to use something I did not expect. I considered nail polish remover, but it said that SHAVING CREAM and a white cloth with much scrubbing would do the trick. AND IT DID! I can't even tell where the spot was! Permanent stain avoided. I am so happy.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Schemas in Area of Play
I was sent this by a woman on a website I frequent. She said if you can find out what schema your child fits, you can try some of the activities under that schema. I hope to find some things that H-Dubya might enjoy since he can't tell me and wanders aimlessly around the house most of the time.
I think he falls under trajectory, and, honestly, I figured that out by looking at the "problems you may have" column. He fits every one! I plan on finding one of the marble ramps that was suggested, and rolling cars off of tables with him. I will also see if he wants to give finger painting another chance. See if your child "fits" any of the categories.
If you don't find this interesting, or if it is overly anal I understand. Maybe because I was an Early Childhood Major I am overly into this stuff? I don't know.
Schemas in Area of Play
I think he falls under trajectory, and, honestly, I figured that out by looking at the "problems you may have" column. He fits every one! I plan on finding one of the marble ramps that was suggested, and rolling cars off of tables with him. I will also see if he wants to give finger painting another chance. See if your child "fits" any of the categories.
If you don't find this interesting, or if it is overly anal I understand. Maybe because I was an Early Childhood Major I am overly into this stuff? I don't know.
Schemas in Area of Play
Modified Plans
So I have changed my plan from NO TV to LESS TV. I just can't do it. And in order to keep it real here, I have to let everyone know. Today we did GREAT in the morning. NO TV before Bible Study. Then GREAT until after nap time.
H-Dubya watched a 30 min Veggie Tales episode while I made my grocery list, then we went to the store. Sister refused to go to sleep until 3, though she laid down at 1. She got up around 4, and Ron let her watch PART Toy Story 2. So, she has watched about 45 mins. They want to watch that sad Busy Baby Songs video again before bed, she already requested it. That is about 30 minutes.
So, H-Dub has watched about 80 minutes today when all is said and done.
Syd will be around 80-90 minutes. Which is the goal for us to stay below. No more than the length of a Disney movie (about 90 minutes) a day.
Some days I so hope that it will be LESS than 90 minutes. 30 minutes. No minutes. But this is what we are working with for now.
H-Dubya watched a 30 min Veggie Tales episode while I made my grocery list, then we went to the store. Sister refused to go to sleep until 3, though she laid down at 1. She got up around 4, and Ron let her watch PART Toy Story 2. So, she has watched about 45 mins. They want to watch that sad Busy Baby Songs video again before bed, she already requested it. That is about 30 minutes.
So, H-Dub has watched about 80 minutes today when all is said and done.
Syd will be around 80-90 minutes. Which is the goal for us to stay below. No more than the length of a Disney movie (about 90 minutes) a day.
Some days I so hope that it will be LESS than 90 minutes. 30 minutes. No minutes. But this is what we are working with for now.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A Parent's Prayer
O Heavenly Father, make me a better parent.
Teach me to understand my children, to listen patiently to what they have to say, and to answer all their questions kindly.
Keep me from interrupting them or contradicting them.
Make me as courteous to them as I would have them be to me.
Forbid that I should ever laugh at their mistakes or resort to shame or ridicule when they displease me.
May I never punish them for my own selfish satisfaction or to show my power.
Let me not tempt my children to lie or steal.
And guide me hour by hour that I may demonstrate by all that I say and do that honesty produces happiness.
Reduce, I pray, the meanness in me.
And when I'm out of sorts, help me, O Lord, to hold my tongue.
May I ever be mindful that my children are children and I should not expect of them the judgment of adults.
Let me not rob them of the opportunity to wait on themselves and to make decisions.
Bless me with the bigness to grant them all their reasonable requests and the courage to deny them privileges I know will do them harm.
Make me fair and just and kind and fit, O Lord, to be loved and respected and imitated by my children.
-Fr. Anthony Coniaris
Teach me to understand my children, to listen patiently to what they have to say, and to answer all their questions kindly.
Keep me from interrupting them or contradicting them.
Make me as courteous to them as I would have them be to me.
Forbid that I should ever laugh at their mistakes or resort to shame or ridicule when they displease me.
May I never punish them for my own selfish satisfaction or to show my power.
Let me not tempt my children to lie or steal.
And guide me hour by hour that I may demonstrate by all that I say and do that honesty produces happiness.
Reduce, I pray, the meanness in me.
And when I'm out of sorts, help me, O Lord, to hold my tongue.
May I ever be mindful that my children are children and I should not expect of them the judgment of adults.
Let me not rob them of the opportunity to wait on themselves and to make decisions.
Bless me with the bigness to grant them all their reasonable requests and the courage to deny them privileges I know will do them harm.
Make me fair and just and kind and fit, O Lord, to be loved and respected and imitated by my children.
-Fr. Anthony Coniaris
Failed Today
No tv was watched before MDO. However, I went to pick up H-Dub and found he had just a terrible day. Was quite fretful from the time I left on. He had a, ahem, "loose diaper" and felt terrible. Ate no lunch, laid straight down on his mat and went to sleep. I took him home and Nurse Nightengale, the drama king that he is, immediately stuffed a thermometer in his butt, I mean ear, and his temp was 102-103. So he of course FREAKED and had me call the doc ASAP. He felt better after the Tylenol and went to bed early. BUT, I let him watch tv on the couch. And we didn't turn it off except for dinner.
SO BAD! I will try again tomorrow. Bible Study in the morning, then we are on our own for the rest of the day.
SO BAD! I will try again tomorrow. Bible Study in the morning, then we are on our own for the rest of the day.
Monday, September 15, 2008
TV Update
So we are done with a full day of no tv. We kept really busy until about 6, and then it got tough. Here was the schedule:
7:00 up, kids ate breakfast
7:30-8:30 Kids helped me change sheets, clean up their bedrooms, vacuum
8:30-10:00 random wandering around, played with blocks, played with the doll house, threw lava rocks out of planters while I dressed and hair-did all three of us
10:00-11:30 Playdate
11:30-12:15 Lunch, got ready to take Syd to dance
12:30-1:30 Dance for Syd, Ron read H books, took him on a walk down the ally, stole apples from the neighbor and sat in the alley and ate them. Gross.
1:30-3:45 Nap (including me, as Syd came to sleep with us at 3:30 and and I spent the rest of the night with either her face buried in my bosom or a knee in my back)
3:45-4:30 snack and "free play"
4:30-6:00 Made nature books and took yet another walk down the alley as a family. Put random items in our ziploc bags, knocked more apples down from the neighbor's tree with a pole used for cleaning the pool
6:00-7:00 ate cheerios, Owl craft, put stickers on paper, ate dinner
7:00-7:30 Bath
7:30-8:00 Ron talked me into allowing them to watch a "video" that has singing and dancing. Like a cd with dancing. It is watching tv, and I know it. But I don't care as I am so thrilled to be alone for a few mins. H-Dubya isn't even watching. I hear him crinkling magazine paper as I type.
The good thing about no tv is it is much quieter around the house. Also, they go to bed on time because we started the movie at exactly 7:30 and they know it is a treat. So we are keeping tabs on the viewing instead of just letting them watch a DVRed show, which goes back to Noggin when it is over so they are halfway through ANOTHER show before one of us notices they have missed bedtime by 15, 30, however many minutes.
Due to the wildness of the day I have no pictures to post from our walk or crafting. I will try to do better tomorrow.
I do have a full bag of apples. Ron was just sure Syd would want to get to it and make an apple pie TONIGHT. He was disappointed when he found out she had her heart set on making the owl. I may make him a pie while I am home alone and the kids are at MDO tomorrow. But I may not.
7:00 up, kids ate breakfast
7:30-8:30 Kids helped me change sheets, clean up their bedrooms, vacuum
8:30-10:00 random wandering around, played with blocks, played with the doll house, threw lava rocks out of planters while I dressed and hair-did all three of us
10:00-11:30 Playdate
11:30-12:15 Lunch, got ready to take Syd to dance
12:30-1:30 Dance for Syd, Ron read H books, took him on a walk down the ally, stole apples from the neighbor and sat in the alley and ate them. Gross.
1:30-3:45 Nap (including me, as Syd came to sleep with us at 3:30 and and I spent the rest of the night with either her face buried in my bosom or a knee in my back)
3:45-4:30 snack and "free play"
4:30-6:00 Made nature books and took yet another walk down the alley as a family. Put random items in our ziploc bags, knocked more apples down from the neighbor's tree with a pole used for cleaning the pool
6:00-7:00 ate cheerios, Owl craft, put stickers on paper, ate dinner
7:00-7:30 Bath
7:30-8:00 Ron talked me into allowing them to watch a "video" that has singing and dancing. Like a cd with dancing. It is watching tv, and I know it. But I don't care as I am so thrilled to be alone for a few mins. H-Dubya isn't even watching. I hear him crinkling magazine paper as I type.
The good thing about no tv is it is much quieter around the house. Also, they go to bed on time because we started the movie at exactly 7:30 and they know it is a treat. So we are keeping tabs on the viewing instead of just letting them watch a DVRed show, which goes back to Noggin when it is over so they are halfway through ANOTHER show before one of us notices they have missed bedtime by 15, 30, however many minutes.
Due to the wildness of the day I have no pictures to post from our walk or crafting. I will try to do better tomorrow.
I do have a full bag of apples. Ron was just sure Syd would want to get to it and make an apple pie TONIGHT. He was disappointed when he found out she had her heart set on making the owl. I may make him a pie while I am home alone and the kids are at MDO tomorrow. But I may not.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
TV. As addictive as crack
Starting tomorrow, the kids will not watch tv for 5 full days. That's right. I have been struggling with H-Dub for sometime. He is pretty much addicted to tv. He likes to watch Toy Story 1&2 and Ice Age 1&2 as many times as possible, mixed in with whatever is on Playhouse Disney in the morning and Noggin throughout the day. I know this effects his interest in structured activities, focus, following directions, etc.
We keep the tv on pretty much most of the day, if we are home. And it has slowly gotten out of control. We often we aren't home much, but when we are it gets especially bad. And bad it was last week during the 40 days and 40 nights of rain (exaggeration) here in L-town.
It is going to cause more work for me, as I will have to get up when Syd does (usually around 6:30) because she usually watches some tv by herself when she wakes up and I sleep til H-Dubya wakes up, around 7:30. I will also need to get up extra early to do my vacuuming, dishes, laundry. The kids play really well together most days while I TCOB, but the tv is on pretty much all the time while we are home so they play together, then take a break and zone out.
Ron and I won't be able to watch tv, either, but honestly the only thing he watches is Myth Busters and Fox News, and it is not a daily thing, anyway. I don't watch tv until the kids go to sleep most nights.
I am most nervous about the times when I cook dinner, and before bed. Syd watches a Calliou episode every night. I don't know how we will get around that without heinous fits, but I am hoping the offer of reading 7 books in mommy's bed each night will be a good compromise. I am going to ask Brokeback to commit to taking the kids out front or for a walk around the block during the "witching hour", around 5 to 6. I don't know that he will, though, as when I broached the subject earlier today he said, "better you than me." Yikes.
I will be employing strategies such as keeping the tv covered with a blanket or sheet, and having the day full of outdoor and indoor fun activities planned. I will post the plans later today or tomorrow.
Here is a great post about reducing tv time. Reducing TV Time
I am first going to go cold turkey so that it isn't such a habit. Next weekend, though, I will gradually add tv time in and use a timer and log to keep myself accountable.
We keep the tv on pretty much most of the day, if we are home. And it has slowly gotten out of control. We often we aren't home much, but when we are it gets especially bad. And bad it was last week during the 40 days and 40 nights of rain (exaggeration) here in L-town.
It is going to cause more work for me, as I will have to get up when Syd does (usually around 6:30) because she usually watches some tv by herself when she wakes up and I sleep til H-Dubya wakes up, around 7:30. I will also need to get up extra early to do my vacuuming, dishes, laundry. The kids play really well together most days while I TCOB, but the tv is on pretty much all the time while we are home so they play together, then take a break and zone out.
Ron and I won't be able to watch tv, either, but honestly the only thing he watches is Myth Busters and Fox News, and it is not a daily thing, anyway. I don't watch tv until the kids go to sleep most nights.
I am most nervous about the times when I cook dinner, and before bed. Syd watches a Calliou episode every night. I don't know how we will get around that without heinous fits, but I am hoping the offer of reading 7 books in mommy's bed each night will be a good compromise. I am going to ask Brokeback to commit to taking the kids out front or for a walk around the block during the "witching hour", around 5 to 6. I don't know that he will, though, as when I broached the subject earlier today he said, "better you than me." Yikes.
I will be employing strategies such as keeping the tv covered with a blanket or sheet, and having the day full of outdoor and indoor fun activities planned. I will post the plans later today or tomorrow.
Here is a great post about reducing tv time. Reducing TV Time
I am first going to go cold turkey so that it isn't such a habit. Next weekend, though, I will gradually add tv time in and use a timer and log to keep myself accountable.
Ahoy, Matey!
Brokeback built the kids a pirate ship today, and it was loved and adored! I for one was very impressed. We watched part of Muppets Treasure Island (one of Syd's favorite movies) while enjoying the fun. Though the pirate hat is H-Dubya's only dress up item, Syd refused to give it up. I will definitely be buying boy dress up costumes after Halloween so H can have some manly items, like a pirate outfit, fire fighter, cowboy, Diego. Anywho, here are some pictures. You can tell the kids were beyond delighted.

Science Spectrum
We went to the Science Spectrum for some family time. I finally bought a membership, and yikes! I thought it was $50 but it was $100 for the year. Must have gone up? Anyway, the kids love it and we will go alot during the colder months. So I think it was a good investment. Afterward we went to lunch and actually ate inside of the Burger King. The kids loved it and were perfect. Here are some pictures of the kids enjoying themselves.

Friday, September 12, 2008
Farther Daughter Ritual
Brokeback brushes Syd's hair every night. They have been doing this for about a year? Sometimes she sits in front of her Little Mermaid vanity, sometimes she stands on a stool in front of the sink. Most often it happens just as the picture shows. So sweet, and they both love it. One of them always remembers. Such a sweet memory it will be for both of them, I hope. Wonder how many years it will continue?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tea Party
We decided, since it is yet another rainy day, to have a tea party today. We really got with it. I allowed Syd to use the makeup she got for her birthday last January for the first time. (Thank you Megan and Grace) We dressed on up and used THE tea set. Also a birthday gift. I read aloud from Earl the Squirrel (see shelfari to the right), but didn't get the rapt attention I would have liked because the guests were so enraptured with pouring and drinking their tea.
Tea was actually apple juice, cream was water, and sugar was Splenda. It was a good practice for Syd's most important guest, H-Dub. He doesn't do too well drinking from a cup. I plan to remedy this by taking my friend Andrea's advice and having both kids drink from real cups at meal times. Now if only I could remember to do this.
He wasn't the classiest guest, as he would hide under the table cloth/sheet, refused to wear his tea/pirate hat, smelled of urine, (not his fault, I know. His mother should change his diaper) and made a rather large mess.

Tea was actually apple juice, cream was water, and sugar was Splenda. It was a good practice for Syd's most important guest, H-Dub. He doesn't do too well drinking from a cup. I plan to remedy this by taking my friend Andrea's advice and having both kids drink from real cups at meal times. Now if only I could remember to do this.
He wasn't the classiest guest, as he would hide under the table cloth/sheet, refused to wear his tea/pirate hat, smelled of urine, (not his fault, I know. His mother should change his diaper) and made a rather large mess.

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