Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sad Story

Does anyone remember this post? Where I mentioned Syd's special squirrel that lived with us and her other squirrely partners for a year?

I forgot to mention that about a month ago I went to lunch with friends and on my way out the door I saw Suzy dead in front of our tree. As in really dead. As in rigor mortis had set in. Thankfully the kids were at Mother's Day Out and Brokeback rushed right out and took care of her. Don't know if he buried her, put her in a garbage bag and threw her in the dumpster or what. I don't want to know.

Syd is continuously disappointed in the lack of squirrel friends as of late. She asks Brokeback about Suzy often. He just tells her the squirrels will come back as it gets colder. I hope he is right and it isn't just a random answer he made up.

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