Thursday, May 8, 2008

Syd's Favorite Books

Syd loves to go to the library. And we are there at least once a week. Partly because I have an addiction to using the card catalog at home or at work to request books so that I don't have to go digging. To me it is every bit as good as Amazon, except for when they don't have the book in stock. Which happens more than you would think and leaves me feeling frustrated and a tad empty. Here are the books that Syd is currently enjoying most.

Alice the Fairy is a book by David Shannon, who happens to be Syd's favorite author. He also writes the No David! books. This has been a favorite for several months. We finally had to return the book to the library as we had met the renewal limit. Alice is a preschooler who is also a temporary fairy. She is into crafting, like Syd, and makes magic out of everyday activities.

17 Things I am not Allowed to do Anymore is a book that Syd got for Christmas. I bought it at Hastings when they were having a big sale. The main character reminds me of Ramona Quimby, who was a favorite of mine. I thought the book was a little old for Syd yet, but Brokeback thinks it is hilariously funny and reads it to her most nights. The things she is not allowed to do anymore include acting like her mother is a waitress and pretending that she is deaf.

BOO to a Goose This is a book that both Syd and H-Dubya enjoy. The pictures are engaging, as they are not just drawings. And at the end of ever page is the sentence "BOO to a goose." Syd loves to help read the story but saying this at the end of the page. Sometimes she yells it, other times she whispers. Good interactive fun.

Blueberries for Sal is read daily. Syd actually asked my mother to read this book to her, and Gigi informed us that she loved this book as a child, as well? What? This book was published during the Civil War? Not exactly, but it was published in 1948 which was before Gigi was born. She would be offended if I told how long before, so we will just leave it at that.

Green Eggs and Ham is a favorite of many. Brokeback reads this to Syd most nights and she loves it. She also has Dr. Suess stickers and points Sam out several times a week. A classic to be sure.

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