Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'd like to talk about . While talking to my pastor's wife who seemingly likes to read as much as I do, I discovered that many folks don't know about this tremendous website. I have reportedly saved close to $100 on books from using it.

You create an account for the site and put all of the books (paperback or not) onto the site. It is quite easy as you can just type in the 10 digit ISBN number on the back of the book. You get two free credits for joining and adding books. So you can immediately browse and request books.

You need to put money into your account, which you can do through PayPal. As someone requests a book from you, you go and print out the postage label for the book which includes the address of where it is being sent, etc. All books are sent media mail, which is going to cost you about $2.40. Maybe less, maybe more. If you use their service you get instant credit, which I think is worth the extra 13 cents. You may disagree. You then wrap the book in wrapping paper, wrap it in the two pieces of paper from the printer, or put it into a manilla envelope and pop it into the mailbox. It is that easy.

They have tons of titles. Over 2 million, I do believe. I of course have a wish list of 46ish books that I am fervently waiting on to come available. Many of them are nonfiction and not the kind of book you let go of unless you get past your current stage or "season" in life, as we like to say repeatedly at Live Oak, which is why I think it is taking so long.

Anyway, I spend tons of time browsing the books and compiling my wish list. If you like to read and you live in Lubbock, whose library collection is in my opinion sub-par, this may be a great thing for you. Happy Reading!

1 comment:

Hill Country Happenings said...

sounds cool!

love the new blog decor BTW