Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast!

Syd greatly enjoyed performing for the parents of her Mother's Day Out program yesterday. The fact that Brokeback and I got there early and scored the bestest, frontest table in the joint helped, I am sure. I was a little startled by her level of decorum at times. I can understand the vibrating with glee and waving, but putting her fingers into the sides of her mouth and pulling to make a funny face was too much, and something we discussed afterward. What can I do? The last time we had this discussion and I took her into a restaurant bathroom for a beating due to her outlandish behavior, she cried and told me, "But I just want to make people laugh." Where, oh where, does she get that kind of attitude? We won't even go INTO how short her dress was though I ordered a 5T.

H-Dub and Syd were both spoiled as Gigi brought them lunch from Sonic for the event. H-Dub didn't behave in a grateful way, as he was crawling around on the floor, threatening to go onto the stage and hiding under the table. Not good.

Here are some pics. I didn't include any of myself because I am in the very end stages of a fever blister AND my roots are terrible.

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