Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Love you too-oo.

H-Dub is having a growth spurt. He is never the best eater, partly because he is too busy drinking as much milk as he can get us to pour in his sippy cup throughout the day. For the last few days, though, he has been eating full meals. He ate a whole roll of ritz crackers today after nap. Ron ordered pizza for dinner and we knew he wouldn't eat much. Wrong. He is running around with whole pieces hanging out of his mouth.

He was running around eating and I said, "I love you, Hayden." And he actually answered, "I love you, too-oo," in a high pitched voice on the too. We wanted to see if it was a fluke so Brokeback asked next and he got the same response. Awwww. What a sweetie.

1 comment:

Will's mom said...

Isn't that the sweetest thing you have ever heard? David calls Will pumpkin. The other night, David said, "I love you, pumpkin." Will responded, "I love you, punkin."