Sunday, May 31, 2009

You know what time it is..........

The pool is open for summer! We had an impromptu kick off yesterday with Gigi, Poppy and Aunt Morgan. H-Dub was quite hesitant at first and hung onto Morgan or Poppy like a spider monkey. But by the end of the day he was swimming and floating alone in the hot tub. Fun was had by all and H-Dub has a great base tan going from his few hours outside. Wish I had his skin.


Hill Country Happenings said...

Glad the pool is open and ready for fun! We are living in ours as well! Wish we could do it together!

Will's mom said...

It looks like you all had fun! We really need to plan a lake trip. We took Will yesterday and were amazed that he LOVED swimming in his life jacket in the lake. I did not think that was going to happen!