Saturday, May 16, 2009

Back Again

So, another long break. I will say again that I have had a REALLY hard time balancing working and home life. I for some reason feel I should be able to still get it all in, though because there is only 24 hours in a day and I am so not one to do anything after 9 p.m. I am not sure how that is possible. Somethings have had to give, and unfortunately those things have been picking up around the house on week days, blogging,and cooking dinner. I plan on working on this for next year, because, my job is over! The counselor came back on Weds, I worked with him Weds, Thurs and Fri. I do have two substitute teaching jobs next week but that leaves me off Tues, Weds, and Thurs so I have some time.

We have some fun plans for summer, which to me starts around June 1st. I made the mistake of signing up for too many classes last year, thinking Syd would be bored. This year, we plan on swimming alot, obviously and inviting friends over to swim with us. Syd spends as much time as possible with our next door neighbor C, who turns 4 next weekend. I am sure that will continue through the summer months.

I have also printed out a June, July, and August activity calendar and wrote in all the fun things that are going on throughout the summer. I wrote down the story times at the library, the Critterfest at the Science Spectrum, the VBS that Syd is going to, Theater in the Park, etc. This way if we need something to do, and most mornings they want to get out of the house, we know where to go.

Syd will go to VBS one week, and she will also take three weeks of the Art Factory that she LOVED last year. It is just 9-10:30 a.m. M-F, there is a theme and a snack. We will do bible study on Wednesday mornings, and H-Dub and I plan on doing one class a week together, a Mommy and Me craft class. And I think they are going to take gymnastics for either the month of June or July.

I also have big plans to go to Dallas, Austin and Houston. We will see if this possible considering I also have big plans to reorganize my desk, laundry room (this one is a MUST), kitchen, closet, kids closets, AND possibly paint my room, bathroom, guest bathroom, office at whatever school I end up at, and Syd wants her room painted pink. I will also potty train Hayden, exercise and eat well, and teach Syd to read. Seems like some lofty goals, no? We shall see what actually happens. I will let you know.

1 comment:

Hill Country Happenings said...

I have all of these goals as well but seeing them in writing - whew so much in such a short time - exhausted just reading them! Did Renee & Pam feel this need to entertain/enrich us - I do not think so! I will ask!

love and miss you!