Monday, January 14, 2008

Syd is a gymnast

Syd started taking a gymnastics class on Wednesdays. She has been one time so far, and she just loved it. Her friend Christopher is in it also, and they had a great time together in their little group of 3. She jumped on a trampoline, swang on rings, did some obstacle course type stuff, and has ALREADY mastered the front roll! (she could actually do one before she started but somehow lost the skill) She whined and didn't want to leave last time, and she has been asking all week when she gets to go to "my gym" again. Here are some pics of Syd in her new leotard enjoying her class. She loved the little gym suit and told her teacher the minute she walked in to "look at my suit!" I have also included a picture of poor H wistfully looking through the window. He can take a class next year.

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