Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I hate food allergies.

As many of you know my precious baby boy has had quite the snotty nose and on occasion a terrible amount of wheezing. The allergist put him on Zyrtec and wanted us to give him Pulmicort and Xopenex through a nebulizer nightly. I am not a fan of giving a baby that much medication so through prayer and research we decided to take H to a doctor that has a more homeopathic approach.

Upon our first visit the doctor told us that if a baby is having asthmatic symptoms or is diagnosed with asthma it is usually food allergies. Either dairy or corn. Both suck. Dairy is self explanatory and corn and corn syrup is in ALL of H's favorite snacks.

Upon testing he is allergic to dairy. And corn. And wheat. And garlic. So we were to not feed him any of these foods or any food that might contain a dirivitive there of for 2 weeks. Then we could give one of these foods to Hayden on a Monday, then a Friday, and see if it is causing the terrible asthma type symptoms. If it does cause wheezing, etc. we are to not give him that food again for a couple of months.

H is just furious about the change in his diet. He has adjusted to soy and rice milk easy enough, but the lack of cheese is truly killing him. He screams and whimpers and moans at the start of every meal when he isn't given cheese or some sort of teddy graham. He eats bananas, apples and grapes in the morning. Lots of applesauce. Some soy yogurt. Some brown rice bread that is sweetened with fruit juices with honey on it. French fries until he is blue in the face. Hayden is on a meat strike because of all of this. If he accidentally puts a piece of chicken in his mouth instead of a fry he scrapes his tongue and spits it out ASAP. He has had fries only 2 out of the 3 nights this week.

I purchased some new foods today hoping he will find a new favorite. I bought sunbutter. Like peanut butter made out of sunflowers? We will find out his verdict on that one tomorrow. Some sort of cereal with bananas and peaches. I hope he likes that one as it was expensive. Potato chips.

Anywho, we will try wheat on Monday. Pray it's a winner!


Hill Country Happenings said...

I hate that Hayden is having to go through poopy allergy problems but I think you have done the right thing and more than likely he will outgrow it and life will be simpler!

Love the new blog!

~Laura~ said...

I hate that poor H is having such allergy issues. We'll be praying that he's healed so he can go back to eating his cheese. Don't most kids outgrow food allergies?

I'm glad you have a blog now...YAY!!

~Laura~ said...

also, we have such similar taste in music...check out my music player on my blog...we have ALOT of the same stuff. :)